
When making tables, you can choose between two kinds of settings (further called 'modus'), these are the ‘normal modus’ and the ‘expert modus’. Both options provide the possibility to make aggregated tables of the Belgian time-use research of 1999, 2005 and 2013, but in case of the 'normal modus' the number of variables and parameters to choose from is limited. We suggest that you first take a look at the 'normal modus' if this is your first time using time-use data, those with more experience with such data, can find detailed information under the 'expert modus'.

To choose the right modus, you have to make a choice between:

  • The year of research (1999, 2005, 2013)
  • The parameter (duration per respondent, participation rate, duration per participant)
  • Activities or context
  • Background variables

The number of options from which you can choose depends on the modus.

Important: Because of the different time period in which respondents participated, an extra selection was needed to make the data comparable with 1999 and 2004. When making a comparison between the different years, you will have to select the option ‘2013 (vgl 1999/2004)’. For more information: Click here.

How do you make a simple table? ('normal modus')

By using the 'normal modus' you can get general information about the Belgian population. You have the possibility to choose between the different years of research (1999, 2005, 2013), the parameters and the type of day.

It is possible to make a table by choosing from the different options on the left side and then clicking on the green button 'Make table'. By clicking on the individual activities in the table, you get a detailed list of the activities which build this activity up. For example, when you click on ‘Paid work’, you get an overview of the activities that are listed under this main category, such as ‘Work at workplace, at home’, ‘Time spent at workplace without working’ and ‘Time spent with looking for work’. Next to the activity you also see the time spent on these activities on the given day. In the 'normal modus' you also have the possibility to see the differences between the two sexes.  

How do you customize your table?  ('expert modus')

By making an account you have acces to the 'expert modus' and you can create custom-made tables.

First of all, you have a choice between activity and context. The first one entails the activities, and thus how much time was spent on specific activities. The context gives information about the place (how much time was spent on a specific place) and the social context (how much time was spent with whom).

Furthermore, you can choose between three parameters, namely the duration per participant, duration per respondent and/or participation rate. In case you would like to use this option, reading the explanation about the parameters is advised.

You further have the option to split the table up into different background variables such as age or sex. By grabbing and dropping these variables on top of each other you can change which variable is primary to others. This way you can, for example, look at the time-use of men and women in specific labour groups by dropping labour situation above sex.

How do you export a table?

When you construct a table, you can download it in excel file format. The layout of the data looks the same as on the website, however the durations are presented in minutes instead of 'hours:minutes'.